Help Josie raise money
For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Virtual Race Weekend 2020
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
I joined the Thalassemia Squad to celebrate (almost) 50 years of excellent health care. When I was diagnosed with thalassemia major in 1973 my parents were told that children with this condition wouldn't live past 20 years old. In 2020 there are thousands of adult patients living with thalassemia around the world thanks to research that has improved treatments and changed my life. I am giving to celebrate 50 years of life and a future without limits.
The money raised by the Thalassemia Foundation of Canada will be used to fund thalassemia scientific research, promote public awareness and education, and support adequate patient services and treatment in Canada.
Recent donors
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Josie Sirna
I’m walking and donating to Thalassemia Foundation of Canada!
Undisclosed amount