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Help Laura raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Virtual Race Weekend 2020

My Story…

I have the privilege of working for the Perley Rideau. This is currently a very challenging time for our Perley long-term care residents, their families who are having to care from a distance, and our care team. Everyday when I go to work I am touched by all of my co-workers who continue to show-up to work with a smile and the determination to make sure our residents have the best day possible, by Veteran residents who offer words of wisdom and perspective from their lived experiences, and by family members who offer heartfelt words of thanks and encouragement when I know they are suffering themselves. It is for these reasons that I have chosen to participate in the 5km virtual run and help raise funds for the Perley Rideau COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. If you wish to help here are a few ways that you can: 1. Make a donation today 2. Register for your own virtual run and join team Perley Rideau Foundation 3. Send me a message of encouragement Thank you!


The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre is one of Ontario’s largest and most innovative long-term care homes. Located on a 25-acre campus, it is a unique Seniors Village with 450 long-term care beds, 139 independent-living apartments, and a growing number of clinical, therapeutic and recreational services available on-site.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 19 Elaine Barber Have fun on your race Laura! Love you. xo $100.00
Apr 19 Sarah Moffat So proud of you Laura ❤️ $50.00
Apr 19 Gail Ann Slavik I’m proud of you, Laura. Thank you for the excellent work you do. Undisclosed amount
Apr 19 Sheldon Bussey ❤️ $50.00
Apr 18 Janice Fish $100.00
Apr 18 Stephanie Leroux I’m proud to support you Laura! I really admire what you’re doing!! Xo $25.00
Apr 18 Delphine Hasle Have fun! $25.00