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Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Raise money for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

The NILMDTS Remembrance Walk, "Our Journey Together" is for parents, family members, and friends to come together to remember a precious baby who has died due to miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, neonatal or any type of pregnancy or infant loss. Visit the NILMDTS website for further details about the Remembrance Walk here.

A donation in the amount of $125 is equivalent to the NILMDTS cost in delivering one photographic session of a baby, which is valued at $2,000.

Did you know that your donation can go toward the team total to earn special personalized gifts for the team lead?  If you want your donation to be applied to your team, be sure to make sure that team is selected. Click here to see all of our personalized gifts available for the team leaders.

Thank you for providing a future family this treasured gift. 


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Nov 02 Deloris Coleman-Gaignat Ollie will always be in our hearts. Love you, Gmom $52.50
Oct 28 Deanna Jump The one who left gentle footprints 👣 on our heart left a story worth telling. I’ll love you forever, precious Ollie. $262.50
Oct 12 Nilda Rivera $5.25
Oct 02 Maureen Marcotte I appreciate your generous gift/time to photograph my daughter and son-in-law’s baby girl to have cherished pictures forever! Undisclosed amount
Sep 20 Jodi Wilson To remember your precious Jakob and give parents who have to say goodbye to soon a lasting memory of their sweet babies. $21.00
Sep 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 13 Leslie Wilhelm $31.50
Sep 12 Amanda Garner $52.50
Sep 12 Anonymous Love you always, Ethan <3 $26.25
Sep 12 Krysten Rivera My sweet little boy, NOT a single second goes by that you are not in my mind. We all miss you and love you so very MUCH. Mama, Papa, Sisters $26.25