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Theresa Foundation

Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Theresa Foundation

Established in 2007, the Theresa Foundation is a registered charity based in Montreal which is devoted to meeting the needs and improving the lives of grandmothers and orphaned children of AIDS victims in the village of Mnjale, Malawi, and its surrounding communities.


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Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Jun 23 Marie et Laurent GO SAMMY! 50,00 $
Jun 22 Bailey and Evan Go team!! 50,00 $
Jun 22 Israel-Arevalo Keep up the great work guys! 100,00 $
Jun 22 Backyard neighbors :) 50,00 $
Jun 19 Laurel You are awesome! 10,00 $
Jun 18 Deepa and Simon Lead the way Sammy Lammy! 200,00 $
Jun 18 Louise Arsenault Run for me! 100,00 $
Jun 18 Marcie Abracen 100,00 $
Jun 17 Ben & Leila SAMMY YOU'RE THE BEST! 50,00 $
Jun 16 Hanne Ellingsen Bravo Ann 🥳 100,00 $