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Help Alexandre raise money

For participating in Banque Scotia 21K de Montreal 2020

My Story…

For the first time ever in my 30 years, I will be participating in a 10k run. I have never been a sporty person. I have never liked doing any physical activity so my determination to start running during lockdown has shocked me beyond words. Running has become more than just a physical activity for me. It has given me a sense of accomplishment during a time where everything has seemed uncertain. Running has done wonders on my mental health and has been one of the many things that has made me feel more like myself. For that reason, I have chosen to support the charity Suicide Action Montreal on this run. I feel it's appropriate to support a charity that is about helping people who are not feeling their best; who are going through a difficult time and think there is only one way out. Good mental health is a constant struggle for a lot of people, me included. So, please support this great cause. Thank you for your time and support. Demetra


En soutenant la mission de Suicide Action Montréal, vous contribuez de façon significative à : 

- renforcer l’expertise clinique de ses intervenants et bénévoles,

- développer des stratégies de prévention du suicide auprès des clientèles vulnérables: en situation d’itinérance, aux prises avec des troubles de santé mentale ou vivant une situation d’inégalité sociale et matérielle,

- développer des partenariats et des ententes de services pour faire connaitre nos ressources,

- intégrer des solutions numériques pour faciliter l’accès à ses ressources, et de les adapter à la prévention du suicide pour garantir la qualité de ses interventions.

Merci de soutenir la prévention du suicide dans le Grand Montréal.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 23 Stella Paillé Bravo pour ce geste de solidarité $50.00