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Help us raise money

For participating in Banque Scotia 21K de Montreal 2020

Our story…

Ouverte en 1990, la Maison d’Hérelle est une ressource communautaire d’hébergement qui offre différents milieux de vie adaptés aux personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA en perte d’autonomie physique et/ou psychologique. Notre mission: «Assurer un milieu de vie, des soins et un accompagnement adaptés aux personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida dans une perspective de santé et en complémentarité avec les réseaux public et communautaire de la santé et des services sociaux» ************** Opened in 1990, Maison d'Hérelle is a community housing project that offers different adapted programs for people HIV/AIDS experiencing loss of physical and or psychological autonomy. Our mission: «To provide housing, treatment, care and support adapted to the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS within a comprehensive approach to care and is complimentary to both public and community health networks and social services»


Come and join our cause! We promise a healthy and fun day. For those who want to join, group physical training programs could be arranged at special c locations! If you are interested in participating, just follow the instructions or contact the administrator to help you out with the registration process.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 09 Guillaume Larochelle $25.00
Mar 03 Lesley Fellows Undisclosed amount
Feb 17 Jesse Berube $25.00
Jan 31 Marie-Josée Brouillette $100.00
Jan 08 Fernando Gonzales Aste Undisclosed amount