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Help Kristina raise money

For participating in 2020 Hamilton Marathon Road2Hope

My Story…

I'm running this event for the bravest, cutest, strongest little boy I know - my nephew, Cooper - AND for all people impacted by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). 

The Cooper Robertson Foundation is near and dear to my heart. The funds and awareness this Foundation has been able to raise for TSC, and specifically the SickKids TSC Clinic, is nothing short of amazing. There is still SO much that can be done however, so all support is greatly appreciated. 

I'll be tackling the 10K event on November 1st, pushing my little one Rayna (who will be 10 months at that time) in her stroller. After running a handful of half and full marathons in the past, accomplishing 10K after having Rayna seems equally, if not more, challenging. But I'm up for it - for Coops, for the Cooper Robertson Foundation and for all those impacted by TSC.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 25 Lacey Boucher Go Kris go!! $27.80
Aug 25 Charles Stone Pour Cooper, un jeune homme brave et inspirant $27.80
Aug 25 Tiffany Tai Sue $27.80
Aug 25 Glora Chan Cheering for you and Rayna! :) $27.80
Aug 24 Ashley Cuff $27.80
Aug 24 Brit & Denis Ouellet Way to go! $27.80
Aug 24 Meg and Nick Hawrylenko $27.80
Aug 24 Elvira Zalyaleeva Go Kristina and Rayna! 🥳 $27.80
Jul 27 Kristina Yallin $27.80