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Help Denise raise money

For participating in Virtual SCADaddle & Mayo SCAD@Home

My Story…

We will be having a VIRTUAL SCADADDLE this year -- October 17th from 8-11am (or whenever it works for you!)

Please consider joining my team or making a donation. 

All of the money raised goes directly towards raising awareness and funding research into SCAD. SCAD is Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. It can cause a heart attack, permanent heart damage or even death. It typically happens to young, healthy people with no risk factors for cardiac problems. 

It happened to me when I was 27 years old. I went into “v-fib” and had to be revived by an AED. It took 5 days in the hospital to get a diagnosis, but I had a quick recovery and have had no further complications, besides anxiety about it happening again. 

In 2018 I helped form a committee to plan the first annual MN SCADADDLE and we have amazing success for our first 2 years of the event.  I have met some amazing new friends that have suffered from SCAD as well.  This research and network has been life changing for me and my family.  

Donate to help Denise raise money for Virtual SCADaddle & Mayo SCAD@Home’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 28 Alleys $54.10
Aug 28 Elizabeth Marsh $20.00