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Help Cheryl raise money

For participating in Homeboy 5K Run/Walk

My Story…

Let’s do this! 💖💖💖

Homeboy Industries is the largest gang rehab in the world! What they do is offer employment, education, training, and mental health services to people coming out of incarceration to help them re-integrate and stay OUT of the system! It's a great organization and they do so much for the community!

Donate to help Cheryl raise money for Homeboy 5K Run/Walk’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 08 Melissa M Your mom told me what you are doing and I wanted to help😊 $11.50
Sep 08 nancy bentley i wish i could be there to cheer you on ❤️❤️❤️ $213.85
Sep 06 Margo Undisclosed amount
Sep 06 Anonymous Run Cher, run!!! Undisclosed amount
Sep 05 Hannah Weinstein Go Cheryl go!!! $27.48
Sep 05 Anonymous Sorry I couldn't join. Good luck! $107.35
Sep 05 Kim Roberson $27.48