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Joe Andruzzi Foundation

Raise money for Joe Andruzzi Foundation

The Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) is a registered 501(C)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing help, hope, and a reason to smile, for New England cancer patients and their families by contributing financial support when it is needed most. Because patients and families must often devote all of their energy and resources towards battling the disease, the Foundation helps alleviate financial and emotional stress by providing grants to assist with rent/mortgage payments, utilities, and other household expenses. This relief allows the Foundation’s grant recipients to focus on their fight against cancer and not on the financial distress that comes with it.

The Joe Andruzzi Foundation is thrilled to be a part of the ASICS Falmouth Road Race Numbers for Nonprofits Program for the 49th running of the 7-miler in 2021! 

The Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) was established to serve cancer patients of all ages throughout New England who experience the hidden costs of cancer as a result of a diagnosis. Cancer-related income loss or reduction combined with rising treatment costs often leads to financial stress as families struggle to cover their everyday expenses. JAF understands that crucial living expenses are not put on hold because of a diagnosis, and our Financial Assistance Program helps alleviate financial stress through the distribution of grants and gift cards to assist with rent/mortgage payments, utilities, food, and other household expenses.

Click here to watch a short video on why we do, what we do!


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 10 Newbury Undisclosed amount
Jun 10 Jake Henry $109.85
Jun 09 The Sullivan’s Go Erica Go! $55.35
Jun 09 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 09 Matuszko Family Good luck Matt! $55.35
Jun 09 Jeff and Lindsay $55.35
Jun 09 The Roosevelts Good luck! Undisclosed amount
Jun 09 Jody and Tony Couture Thank you and good luck Erica!! Undisclosed amount
Jun 09 Margie Silva $28.10
Jun 09 Aunty Liz & Jack So proud of my niece. Hope it’s not too too TOO HOT. ( Run like Andy’s waiting for you at the end ) Undisclosed amount