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Help Janna raise money

For participating in The 2021 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

My Story…

Toots Fore Tufts is not just a charity I am raising money for, it’s an organization that is a part of me.    We started Toots Fore Tufts 7 years ago in honor of Marc Jackson.   

Marc lost his eight and a half year battle with brain cancer on May 21, 2013; he was only 35 years old.   While being treated at Tufts, Marc and his family became very close to the medical team supporting him.  He learned that many patients suffered from financial hardships, adding additional stress to what is already the most difficult time of most patient’s lives.  Because Marc felt blessed to have the support of his family during his treatments, his wish was to support the Neruo-Oncolcogy Patient Support Fund.

The main purpose of the Fund is to assist brain cancer patients with financial hardships pay for basic life necessities.  Our mission is to help remove financial obstacles for those who are already fighting for their lives.   Recipient decisions are made by the patient’s medical team at Tufts.   

Being a part of the team that has helped to raise money in Marc’s memory has been one of the most important things I’ve done.    The impact we are able to make in patient’s lives is humbling.  We receive cards and letters thanking us for helping but of course, the team couldn’t do anything without donations from people like you.  

As I’m sure you can imagine, the last 12 months have not been great for charities.  Or most of us.   However, there are some changes that have come out of this that are pretty good!  One, is that the Falmouth Road Race has started an “at home edition” meaning people who normally wouldn’t be able to participate in a 7 mile run (that would be me) can now be a part of the team by completing the race as a walk.  I’m pretty sure I can walk 7 miles!  I guess we’ll see….  

Donate to help Janna raise money for The 2021 ASICS Falmouth Road Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 02 Jessica Cochrane $100.00
Jun 14 The Mulvey Family Yay Janna!!! So excited your are participating this year. You are an amazing amazing amazing person!! $109.85
Jun 14 Roe Ardolina $25.00
Jun 14 Milewski Family $500.00
Jun 08 Baron Family Go Janna! Undisclosed amount
Jun 04 Michael Raucci Thinking of your family $545.85
Jun 01 Mark Savino Good for you Janna! $109.85
May 28 Felicia Isoldi Love you and so proud of you for doing this! $33.55
May 27 Randy & Lynn Parker $28.10
May 26 Anonymous Go Janna! We are happy to support you and this wonderful cause! XOXO Undisclosed amount