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Help Danielle raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Virtual Race Weekend 2021

My Story…


May 28th update:

Thank you to you, generous donors!! We've raised over $7000! That amount buys  a hospital bed and lift for the ALS loan cupboard! This money could help keep ALS families in essential but expensive equipment needed for day to day life with ALS. Perhaps your donation brought us one step closer to the cure so that another family doesn't have to go through this. 

I am completing my Bytown Challenge on June 2nd, Lou Gehrig day. 


I am running the Bytown Challenge in honour of my late husband, Brent Toohey and to raise money for The ALS Society. 

Brent was diagnosed in 2015 and died in the early hours of April 25th, 2021. He fell asleep a prisoner in his own body and awoke free from the suffering that he so courageously faced every day for years. 

It was both a beautiful and difficult thing to be able to take someone to the end of their life and it is wildly heartbreaking to live everyday without him. 

The ALS Society provided important medical equipment, emotional support and helped us navigate the system to keep Brent with a high quality of life up until the end. 

I am running the Bytown Challenge in his honour and to help support other families facing every day challenges from this devastating diagnosis and in the hopes that there will one day be a cure. 

His memorial video can be seen here.

Donate to help Danielle raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Virtual Race Weekend 2021’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 14 Donna & Marcel Néron In loving memory of your dear Brent. Sending you healing love and hugs. $50.00
May 14 Kerri Stevenson Good luck on your run, Danielle. Undisclosed amount
May 14 Ormos Laura In honour of Brent Undisclosed amount
May 14 Tricia K. In honour and remembrance of Brent Toohey. Undisclosed amount
May 14 Viv, Bob, Archie and Millie $109.00
May 13 Jenn and Scott We love you ❤️ $200.00
May 13 Danielle Lawson $25.00
May 13 Anonymous you inspire me and I am very sorry for your loss. My small way of helping. $50.00
May 13 Joanne Astorga $100.00
May 13 E Lee Xo $50.00