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Youth Unlimited

Raise money for Youth Unlimited

For over 75 years, our passion has been to invest in youth wholeness. As a Christian youth-serving agency, our vision is seeing “transformed youth transforming our city.” We target community youth ages 10-25 of all faiths, cultural backgrounds and economic levels. We mobilize them through: Community Outreach, Critical Care Programs, Innovative Centres, Leadership Development, Marketplace Initiative and Trips, Camps & Events. Ultimately, give our youth the opportunity and supoprt to positively influence their own community and beyond.



Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Apr 30 Elin Happy to help support recovery and such a great cause! CA$25.00
Apr 30 Carolyn White Cheering you all on! Undisclosed amount
Apr 30 Jess Janz Please let it be known that this is a donation for the whole team, as in, not choosing Roch over Steph etc etc CA$25.00
Apr 30 Michaela Thankful for you Rochelle and the incredible example you lead in loving and supporting others around you. Have an amazing run! ❤️ CA$20.00
Apr 30 Michaela So thankful for all you do for our Etobicoke community Becky! Always praying for your incredible ministry. Have a great run! ❤️ CA$20.00
Apr 30 Michaela Evans Pilipovic Way to go Es, Nathan and Miles! We are so proud of you & thankful for the way you are helping to make our Etobicoke community a better place CA$20.00
Apr 30 Michaela Evans Pilipovic Way to go Steph! So proud of all you are doing and so amazed by all that Andrew and Youth Unlimited are doing for our Etobicoke community. CA$20.00
Apr 30 Nancy S You got this bud!!!!! So incredibly proud of you and proud to be your friend!!! CA$100.00
Apr 30 Loreli Run, Beck, run!! Undisclosed amount
Apr 30 Loreli Undisclosed amount