Raise money for Teach For Canada
Education in Canada is a success story. Study after study shows that our public schools are among the best in the world. But high overall quality masks deep inequality. On First Nations reserves, 3 in 5 students do not complete high school. In remote communities, teachers are tough to recruit and even tougher to retain. And, too often, teachers arrive in northern First Nations schools without the preparation and support they need to succeed—and stay—in the classroom.
Teach For Canada was founded for the purpose of helping students and teachers succeed in remote First Nations. In partnership with those First Nations, we recruit outstanding teachers from across the country, provide an enrichment program to prepare them for life in the North, and give wraparound support for 2+ years.
Since 2015, 180 teachers have had a direct impact on 3,600+ students across 20 First Nations in Northern Ontario and Manitoba. Their inspirational teaching is increasing student attendance, engagement, and achievement.
If we inspire students, motivate them, and give them committed role models in whom they can recognize their own potential, then we can change our education system one student at a time. That's our goal.
Together, we can make education more equal.