A virtual run is a race that can be run (or walked) from any location you choose. You get to run your own race, at your own pace, and time it yourself.
What are the rules for this race?
Please complete the running distance you selected during the specified event period using ASICS Runkeeper™. You will need to complete the race in one attempt (one continuous effort) for every race in all race categories.
Can I complete my race distance over multiple runs?
No, you will need to complete the race in one attempt (one continuous effort).
Do I need 6 people in total to participate in the Ekiden?
No, one person can run multiple race sections.
Can anyone participate in this event?
Yes, if the participant is over 15 years old and has an environment to use the Runkeeper™ application.
How can I confirm that my registration was completed successfully?
A registration completion email would be sent to the email address submitted in the registration form to notify that the registration has been completed successfully.
What payment methods are available to pay for the participation fee?
We only accept credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, AmericanExpress)
Can I receive a refund for the participation fee if I cancel my participation in this event?
Can I register as a substitute for another person?
No. Please register only for yourself.
How can I invite other participants to my team?
Once registration is done, Teamleader will be sharing the team link on the completion email along with Code(Team password) with teammates.
Can I download ASICS Runkeeper™ application for free?
Yes, ASICS Runkeeper™ application can be downloaded for free. There are some paid services but recording the activity for this event is included as a free service.
Can I record my run using another running watch or application then correspond the data to ASICS Runkeeper™?
It is possible to use the running watch to record your run and correspond to the data. Please check How to complete the race page.
How will the data be corresponded to the result page from ASICS Runkeeper™?
The recorded data for EARTH DAY EKIDEN would be automatically be corresponded to the result page. Please note that the correspondence might take a while.
Can I complete my event on a treadmill?
No, you can't. You can run and walk by yourself only.
Do I need to run in order of the race sections when participating in the Ekiden?
No. Each member could complete their run at their own timing. (Running order doesn't matter.)
Can I complete by running the total distance of the multiple race sections at once?
No. Even if you run the total distance of the multiple race sections, the record will not be divided and assigned to multiple race sections.
I completed running the specified distance for the race but I am not satisfied with the record. Can I rechallenge?
For the Runkeeper™ application, you can cancel your record by not saving. As long as it is during the event period, you can rechallenge only if you cancel your record by not saving. (Once the record is saved, the activity would be marked as finished when completing the specified distance.)
Can I use the record I measured using applications other than Runkeeper™ as a result?
No. You must download ASICS Runkeeper™ and correspond the data to use the record as a result.
How can I check that I have completed my run?
Once the activity has been completed and ended in ASICS Runkeeper™, a race completion email would be sent to the registered email address.
Will a record certificate be issued for this event?
Yes, a digital record certificate will be issued on the result page.
How can I check my team or team member's records?
During the race term, you are able to access the result page and you can see the team's status and progress. The link to the result page will be on your race completion mail.
I cannot view the entry information in ASICS Runkeeper™ application even though I already registered for this event.
Please check if you use the same registered email for loggin in Runkeeper while running and please contact support@raceroster.com