■Race Guide (April 22, 2021 - May 9th, 2021)
1.Downloading and log-in [ASICS Runkeeper] (If you don’t have App)
a. Download ASICS Runkeeper™ App and log in with E-mail or social media account while registered. ( Download Link: Here for iOS, Here for Android)
b. We recommend following software. iOS above 12.0. Android above 7.0
For Android User
When you newly sign in ASICS Runkeeper app, it may display Mile distance instead of kilometer. If you want to change units, please open the setting screen and switch to kilometer.
For who don’t see this event page on race tab
Please check your Runkeeper account if it’s logged in with the same email account while registering this event. Or please update the App to the latest version and log out - log in. If not solved yet, please contact to support@raceroster.com.
2. How to record your run (By using ASICS Runkeeper App)
1. Click on the flag button with a red circle mark located at the start page and access the tab.
2. Select "Start race" in ASICS Runkeeper™ App.
Follow the guide displayed on the screen and start running.
3. After you completed running the selected race distance, press "Stop" and follow the instructions displayed on the screen to save the activity record.
Once save the activity record, it will be automatically transferred to the result page. Because you are unable to update your activity record after transferring, please be careful to finish the race.
3. When to cancel the activity while running or after running.
1. While running, you can cancel your activity to click [Pause], [Stop].
2. Then, please click to finish the activity.
3. Finally, when you decide to save or not, please click the thrush button on the upper right to delete the activity record. After deleting the activity, you retry to record your activity for this event.
4. How to record your run (By using your GPS device: Garmin, Apple Watch, Fitbit etc and sync your run with the ASICS Runkeeper app)
Please note that your Runkeeper™️ app must be in version 10.8.1 to work on your Garmin
Download the ASICS Runkeeper™️ app from the App Store to your mobile phone (download here).
Connect your GPS running device to the Runkeeper™ app. Steps to connect your FitBit, Garmin, or Apple Watchto the Runkeeper™ app are linked here.
We recommend setting this up before your personal race day to ensure it's ready to go!
On your personal race day put on your GPS running device (e.g. your Garmin watch, Fitbit, Apple Watch etc) and get ready to record your run.
Upon completion of your race distance, sync your recorded run to the Runkeeper™️ app (if your bluetooth pairing is on this sync should happen automatically when your watch and phone come back into range of one another. If needed refer to how to connect your device at step 2 above).
Open the Runkeeper™️ app and click on the 'Start' menu icon then click on the chequered flag button and and follow the prompts to select your event, select your race and click on "Link Recent Activity". Please note that due to a global timezone sync issue (currently in the process of being resolved) please wait until 24 hours after you complete your run to link your activity.
5. Warnings regarding when recording activity
Please follow rules and terms you consented while registering.
In order to complete the race, you will need to run the selected distance so to be sure you completed the selected distance, we recommend you run or walk a little more than the selected distance since the distance may differ based on the GPS accuracy.
You will need to complete the race in one attempt (one continuous effort) for this event.
Once you have started the race, the race time would be measured even if you paused afterwards or used an autopause function (automatic pause function). This will also be applied when corresponding the activity record from the running watch so we recommend you not pause or use the autopause function during the race.
When having a trouble or issue on recording or updating the activity
Please update your phone software and ASICS Runkeeper app version, then retry to record your activity. Otherwise, please contact support@raceroster.com
■ How to check the result
After your record and results are uploaded, you’ll receive Race completion email with the link to the leaderboard. On the leaderboard, you will see your record by a event and also digital finisher certification which you can download on online.
Please contact support@raceroster.com when you cannot find your result although you have finished the race