Dayna Lytle & Gretchen Deatherage - Head Coaches
Between 15- 17 minute Walk/Run pace. You may alter the days of the week you work
out, just run 3 times total (including Monday nights) and cross train 2 other times during
the week***
Note***Weeks 1-6, workout will be a total of about 40 min. (2 min. warm up, 30 min.
run/walk, 5 min cool down)
Week 7-8, workout will be a total of about 45min. (2 min. warm up, 30 min. run/walk, 5 min
cool down)
Week 9 is "taper week"; train as posted below.
Week 1: Mon~Weds~Fri: Run 5 min; walk 5 minutes for a total of ~40 min
Week 2: Mon~Weds~Fri: Run 5 min; walk 5 min. for a total of ~40 min
Week 3: Mon~Weds~Fri: Run 6 min.; walk 4 min. for a total of ~40 min
Week 4: Mon~Weds~Fri: Run 7 min.; walk 3 min. for a total of ~40 min
Week 5: Mon~Weds~Fri: Run 8 min.; walk 2 min. for a total of ~40 min
Week 6: Mon~Weds~Fri: Run 8 min; walk 2 min for a total of ~40 min
Week 7: Mon~Weds~Fri: Run 9 min.; walk 1 min. for a total of ~45 min
Week 8: Mond~Wed~Fri: Run 9 min; walk 1 min. for a total of ~45 min
Week 9: Mon & Wed (Labor Day, No Group Training) Run 10 min., walk 1 min. for a
total of ~50 min, rest Thursday & Friday; Saturday September 11, Graduation 5K race (3.1 miles)
(Warm up 2 min & Cool Down 2 min after each run)
Between 12-14 min pace – keep the 8 minute run and 2 minute walk if necessary adjust to your personal needs
Week 1: Mon 2m ~ Tue 1.5m ~ Thu 1.5m ~ Sat 2.5m Total 8 miles
Week 2: Mon 2.5m ~ Tue 1.5m ~ Thu 1.5m ~ Sat 3m Total 8.5 miles
Week 3: Mon 2.5m ~ Tue 1.5m ~ Thu 1.5m ~ Sat 3.5m Total 9 miles
Week 4: Mon 3m ~ Tue 1.5m ~ Thu 1.5m ~ Sat 3.5m Total 9.5 miles
Week 5: Mon 3m ~ Tue 2m ~ Thu 1.5m ~ Sat 3.5m Total 10 miles
Week 6: Mon 3.5m ~ Tue 2m ~ Thu 1.5m ~ Sat 3.5m Total 10.5 miles
Week 7: Mon 3m ~ Tue 2m ~ Thu 2m ~ Sat 3.5m Total 10.5 miles
Week 8: Mon 2.5m ~ Tu 2m ~ Thu 2 m ~ Sat 4m Total 11 miles
Week 9: Mon 2 ~ Tue 1m ~ Wed 1m ~ Thu & Fri OFF ~ Sat RACE Total 7.1 miles
*on Mondays we will do an 8 minute run and a 2 minute walk (we may increase or decrease depending on the heat) On week 7 we will encourage entire group to run the entire 3 miles – except for warm up and cool down.
Training begins promptly at 6:30pm every Monday (except Labor Day). Please arrive early for announcements, guest speakers, etc.
Intermediate 1 Blue AND Green will meet behind the SHELBY FARMS PARK CONSERVANCY (SFPC) Operations Center at the corner of Farm Road and Mullins Station (THE LITTLE BLUE HOUSE)
PARK in the parking lot on the west side of Farm Road (Shelby County Code Enforcement Building) and cross Farm Road to the grassy area behind the SFPC Operations Center.