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World Vision Australia - 40hr Famine

Raise money for World Vision Australia - 40hr Famine


Acute hunger is a humanitarian crisis and millions of children and communities are on the brink of famine. By donating today to the 40 Hour Famine challenge, you’re not only supporting those participating but partnering with World Vision Australia to help vulnerable children access clean water, sanitation, healthcare and education. Every cent raised will help protect children threatened by famine. 

Thank you, it means the world.



Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 28 Phillips Family $33.08
Jul 28 Anonymous $20.00
Jul 28 Sophie Singleton So proud! Good luck! xxx $11.76
Jul 28 Anonymous $22.42
Jul 28 Kevin Cole $43.74
Jul 28 Sharon Cole You got this! $22.42
Jul 27 Libby $10.00
Jul 27 Ping Lam $22.42
Jul 27 Zac $11.76
Jul 27 Andrea McMaster So proud of you darling girl 💜 $54.40