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Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada

Raise money for Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada

The Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada’s mission is to advance the study, treatment, and prevention of the effects on brain trauma in Canadian athletes, military personnel, and other at-risk groups. 

La mission de la Fondation Héritage pour les Commotions Cérébrales Canada (CLFC) consiste à faire progresser l'étude, le traitement et la prévention des effets des traumatismes cérébraux chez les athlètes canadiens, personnel militaire, et d'autres groupes à risque.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 17 Philip Bury $54.63
May 17 Kelly Clancy $54.63
May 16 FC $108.31
May 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 13 Derel Brisson Thank you for your service Brendan! Great cause, one that I was not aware of and possibly many people. Thanks for spreading awareness! $54.63
May 12 MONTY PRICE Have a good one Paul! $27.80
May 12 Becky Zentner-Barrett Go Sam!!!!!! $54.63
May 12 Trevor Ward Awesome cause, deserved support for those, including you, that have given so much to support all of us. $537.69
May 12 Katherine Koehler-Grassau Undisclosed amount
May 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount