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Aidez Katie à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement 21K de Montreal 2022


Mon histoire…

In a few weeks, I will be running 5 km to support Equitas and human rights education as part of the 21K de Montreal Charity Challenge !   

The Equitas team believes that human rights education is a driving force for strengthening communities and supporting vulnerable groups, in Canada and around the world.   

By donating to Equitas, you can support the empowerment of women, children and youth, and LGBTQ2I communities so they can protect and claim their rights!   

Every donation counts! Please support me and human rights education by making a donation.


Equitas croit que l’éducation aux droits humains est un moteur important pour renforcer les communautés et soutenir les personnes vulnérables, ici au Canada et partout dans le monde.   


Depuis l’année dernière, nous avons le soutien d’une entreprise partenaire, Accedian, un leader montréalais de l’analyse des performances et des solutions d’expérience utilisateur. En 2021, leur équipe mondiale nous a aidé à amasser plus de 5000$ !  

En donnant à Equitas, vous pourrez appuyer l’autonomisation des femmes, les enfants et les jeunes, les communautés LGBTQI, et les défenseuses et défenseurs des droits humains afin qu’ils puissent protéger et revendiquer leurs droits - encore plus à risques maintenant!    

Chaque don compte! Merci de soutenir l’éducation aux droits humains.

Equitas believes that human rights education is a driving force for strengthening communities and supporting vulnerable groups, right here in Canada and around the world.   


Since last year, we have the support of a corporate partner, Accedian, a Montreal-based leader in performance analytics and end user experience solutions. In 2021, their worldwide team helped us to collect more than 5000$!   

By donating to Equitas, you can support the empowerment of women, children and youth, LGBTQI communities, and human right defenders so they may protect and claim their rights - which are even more at risk right now!  

Every little bit counts! Thank you for supporting human rights education.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Apr 24 Bill and Janice Good for you Katie. Good luck in your in your run. 33,22 $
Apr 23 The McGrath’s How do you like them apples! 269,66 $
Apr 23 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Apr 23 Bowen et Girouard Electrique 108,45 $
Apr 23 Lori Braun Good luck Katie !!! 43,97 $
Apr 22 Austin Win Katie 108,45 $
Apr 22 Corina 54,71 $
Apr 22 Anonyme Good luck Montant non divulgué
Apr 21 coops lets move you one rung up the ladder or in this case one position to the left 22,47 $
Apr 21 M j Cooper Go Katie go. keep up the good work. Your friend Amy has a ringer on her side. 22,47 $