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Help us raise money

For participating in 21K de Montreal 2022

Our story…

April 23rd and 24th several team members, participants and volunteers will run 5, 10 or 21 km.

Support the team or one of its members!

Our goal is to raise $15 000! Your support will help program led for young adults helping them achieve their high school diploma, integrate the work force, develop life skills and move forward into autonomous adulthood. 

Thank you for your support!


Le 23 et 24 avril, plusieurs employé.es, et bénévoles vont courir 5, 10 ou 21 km.

Soutenez l’équipe ou un de ses membres en faisant un don !

Nous visons à collecter 15 000 $ ! Votre soutien garantira nos programmes pour jeunes adultes  et aidera ces derniers à obtenir leur diplôme du secondaire, à intégrer le marché du travail, à acquérir des compétences essentielles et à progresser vers une vie d'adulte autonome. 

Merci de votre soutien !

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 23 Laurie $54.71
Apr 23 Dan & Dita Poenaru $269.66
Apr 22 Anonymous $25.00
Apr 22 Anonymous Proud of you Jess! $17.10
Apr 22 Lalita $27.85
Apr 21 Wendy $22.47
Apr 21 Clara Charpentier Go go go $54.71
Apr 21 Anonymous Good luck! I hope everyone is healed up in time 😀 $108.45
Apr 20 Alfie DiPasquale Zeke you Got this So proud of you for running for a cause. $27.85
Apr 20 Alfie DiPasquale Di you’re awesome and have this covered Can’t wait to hear all about it. $27.85