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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2022 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

62cc477a3a858.jpgOur reputation is growing within the Special Operations community as a reliable resource for soldiers looking to make a career change.  

Your contributions to our runners will be used to support GDMF Scholars like William Eisenhart.  William  was born in South Korea and immigrated to the United States with his mother as an infant.  When 9/11 occurred, William felt helpless watching the situations unfold in Washington DC, NYC and Pennsylvania.  He walked away from his career as in Internet Engineer and enlisted in the Navy at 30 years of age.  He served as an Explosive Ordnance Technician, deploying and disarming Improvised Explosive Devices.  He saw the injuries created by these devices while doing Tactical Emergency Casualty Care, but not able to do more in the chain of survivability.  He left the Navy and worked as an intelligence analyst but decided to return the military and became a Special Operations Combat Medic for a Special Forces Battalion in the Army National Guard.William understood that his role in the military did not translate to the civilian sector, so he applied and was accepted to the Yale School of Medicine Physician Assistant Online Program.  As the son of a middle school educated mother and the first member of his family to graduate from college, he is humbled to attend an Ivy League institution.  He is in his second year and is splitting time between the civilian and military hospital setting as he wants to commission in the military when he graduates.  He hopes to work with other Special Operations Medics overseas helping underserved populations.  He intends to carry on Glen Doherty's legacy, who was a Special Operations SEAL Corpsman, to help other regardless of the dangers.

Thank you for your consideration!  Your generosity will go right to work in helping our nation's soldiers transition to new careers and new family life.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 18 Annie Go team!! Love you! $55.35
Aug 18 Terry Violette Good luck Connor! $109.85
Aug 18 Anonymous good luck! Undisclosed amount
Aug 18 Bill Marshall Good luck, Connor! $109.85
Aug 18 Matthew and Jennifer Murphy Go team Stathos $273.35
Aug 18 Anonymous Crush it! $55.35
Aug 18 Christian McKean Undisclosed amount
Aug 18 Olsen Family Fund Race, run, walk. To support Phil, Nic, Cam and Alex Stathos and Alice Murphy Team for the Falmouth Road Race on 8/21/2022. $100.00
Aug 18 Stathos Murphy Family Fund $1,500.00
Aug 18 Caro Carey Crush it! Undisclosed amount