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Raise money for SCAD RESEARCH INC

While we appreciate donations, they are not required to register and participate in this event.

Our mission is to raise funds to support the most promising Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) research and to ultimately bring awareness, dissemination of knowledge and research findings to the bedside of patients with SCAD.

What is SCAD?

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) is an uncommon and poorly understood type of a heart attack, which sometimes leads to an abrupt death.  It occurs without warning when a tear forms in one of the blood vessels in the heart. 

SCAD often impacts younger, healthy individuals who do not have the typical risk factors for heart disease.  The average age of a SCAD patient is approximately 42 years old and up to 80% of those experiencing SCAD are women.  

Research to Answer "Why"

Research so far has shown those who experience a SCAD are typically…

  • Young with an average age of 42; occurring in people as young as early 20’s
  • Healthy typically with no known risk factors or underlying condition
  • Eighty percent more common in women than men – 20% of SCAD cases in women occur near the time of childbirth

…and we don’t know WHY

Since SCAD is little known and poorly understood, research as to the causes and best treatment options is needed.  


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 19 Jeff Burga Undisclosed amount
May 18 Jeff Shaffer $27.48
May 18 Rachel Ledesma-Kinsella You guys are so very strong! Keep going! Undisclosed amount
May 14 Emily Diegel Love you Auntie Colleen 💜💜💜 Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Katie Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Katie Cummings Undisclosed amount
Apr 24 Denise Frontczak Undisclosed amount
Apr 03 Jill Kelly McComsey Karen and friends - thank you for your hard work for this very important cause. $267.10
Feb 27 Francesca Wagner Undisclosed amount
Feb 26 Ann Pistono $54.10