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Help Kineret raise money

For participating in Mildred’s 100th Birthday Walk-A-Thon

My Story…


If my mother a”h was alive, she would be 100 years old on June13th of this year.  In celebration of her birthday, and to support the Mildred’s Dream Foundation established by my brother in her memory and in appreciation of her legacy., I am participating in an walkathon over the next few weeks.


The foundation honors my mother’s passions: helping those with physical or mental health challenges, as well as their families; eliminating violence and abuse while supporting survivors of such trauma; and providing the best education possible for everyone

My mother nurtured nine only children and our friends with love, patience, and an appreciation of our individuality.  It would be no surprise to walk into the house and see my friend sitting at the kitchen table eating home baked cookies and milk and talking to my mother who was listening attentively. She treated everyone as if they were family.

In addition to raising a family, working full time, and helping my dad z’l  with his business , she felt  a commitment to the community both through volunteer work and served as an elected Brookline Town Meeting Member for many years  After she ‘retired’  she volunteered at a local school  in a class   for children labelled  “emotionally disturbed.”  She embraced them and they loved her.  

I have great Hakaros Hatov for the eternal gifts she gave use.    She taught us to be caring and sensitive to the needs of all and to be willing to go the extra mile to help another person.   Her words and actions fostered in all of us a sense responsibility and accountability.  

I am a member of the Charlie’s Angel team.  I was quite shocked and embarrassed to be associated with a team by that name.   If you know my sister Debbie, you would certainly ask: “What was she thinking?”  She reminded me that her nickname for my mom was “Charlie “- My mom always referred to us as her “ANGELS”.   My mother was not stupid, dumb, or ever sarcastic.    She was also realistic and knew her children were normal healthy   children not angels .  What she saw was our potential:  She knew that we had the capacity to become caring and giving individuals with a sense of commitment and responsibility to those in need.  B”H her children through birth and through marriage and their families work hard to truly be her “ANGELS


I hope you now understand why I am participating in the walkathon and am reaching out to you to support my efforts.  No contribution is too small.  So I thank you!  



Donate to help Kineret raise money for Mildred’s 100th Birthday Walk-A-Thon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 23 Malka and Aaron Simkovich $72.00
May 23 University of Pennsylvania Wishing Kineret continued continued success in helping others in her selfless and thoughtful way. Ruthie and Abba Krieger $107.35
May 23 stacey goldman $107.35
May 23 Leta Borck In honor of Dr. Kineret Shakow...May your dear mother's sweet, special and beautiful Neshoma have an everlasting Aliyah..... $100.00
May 23 Anonymous In honor of Kineret, a magnificent human. Undisclosed amount
May 23 Anonymous In honor of our mother who keeps bubby legacy going $107.35
May 22 Anonymous Your mother's legacy lives on through you, Kineret. May her memory be a blessing and an inspiration. Undisclosed amount
May 22 Anonymous In memory of Bubby A"H, and in honor of her amazing daughter $107.35
May 22 Anonymous With tremendous thanks for being such an incredible role model $22.15
May 22 Eli and Rivka Beck In memory of my dear and beloved Bubbe. May her memory continue to live on through MDF and through her family. $107.35