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Movement Centre of Manitoba

Raise money for Movement Centre of Manitoba

The Movement Centre of Manitoba is a privately funded registered charity and the only one of its kind in Manitoba that specializes in conductive education rehabilitation and therapy for children and adults with neuro-motor disorders.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 19 Sally Dick $52.52
May 19 Sally Dick $210.08
May 19 Anonymous Keep up the good work, Trish and Rob! Undisclosed amount
May 18 Lisa M Good luck to all participants! Undisclosed amount
May 18 Theresa Oye Have fun while raising money for this worthy cause! $26.27
May 18 Doug & Lisa White $105.04
May 18 Tim Sale The Centre is such a gift for Libby, and she is a wonderful gift to us all at St. Paul's. Undisclosed amount
May 18 Auntie Margaret & Uncle Jim $30.00
May 18 Janet Ploen Go Olivia $52.52
May 18 Brendan $105.04