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Help us raise money

For participating in 2023 Cleveland Marathon

Our story…

Crystal's Crew is a team of family and friends showing their support for Crystal Revnew as she battles ALS. We're reminded daily of the challenges this debilitating disease brings to those affected by it, and challenge ourselves to do more in support of those we love who fight everyday. Movement is a privilege and we run for those who would to anything to be able to run again. A marathon is a challenge, but a small one to tackle in comparison to the challenges of those battling ALS.

Join Crystal's Crew and support the mission to make a difference in the fight against ALS. Your support, whether through participation in the marathon, half marathon, 5k, or 10k will help make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by this disease. #MilesForMom

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 12 Chris Revnew Undisclosed amount