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Help Jemima raise money

For participating in Emera Blue Nose Marathon

My Story…

Hello everyone! I’ve run the Blue Nose race weekend many times but I’ve never run to raise funds for anything. Well, I’ve found a very worthy charity: Nourish Nova Scotia! I find them so worthy that I now work at Nourish. Won’t you help raise funds that will enable us to nourish kids though healthy food programs and initiatives? 


Good Food = Good Thinking

Students who are well-nourished are better able to learn, behave better and have better attendance. Run or walk for Nourish to help create and support healthy school communities across the province.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 14 Jeanne & Codfish So proud of you ! Way too go my friend! $54.72
Apr 14 Family Strickland Love the goal! Love the cause! Bravo Jemima, you got this! $76.21
Apr 14 Dean/Leigh You can do it!! $27.85
Apr 14 M Woods Yay Jemima! $54.72