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Help Jordan raise money

For participating in 2023 Constantine Yorkville Run

My Story…

A close friend of mine, Brandon Gerson, received a life saving liver transplant last year. With the generosity of his living donor and an advanced medical system to facilitate it, he is with us and his family today, and championing an awareness and fundraising campaign for the cause. 

Brandon's experience was eye-opening. I had no idea what the effects would be on him and his donor. His donor was home a couple days later and 100% back to normal within a few weeks. Brandon is thriving. Brandon and his donor will both be RUNNING 5KM, as well as many other donor/recipient pairs, at the Yorkville Run this year.

Together we're fundraising to bring more awareness and success to living organ donation.

I invite you to run with us or make a donation to the cause. Any and all amounts are appreciated and impactful.




I am participating in the Constantine Yorkville Run to raise funds for UHN Foundation, in support of the Centre for Living Organ Donation at UHN's Ajmera Transplant Centre. With your help, we can reach our fundraising goal and make a difference. Thank you in advance for your donation and support.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 19 Charlie The Baby CA$250.00