Raise money for Montreal Heart Institute Foundation
The Montreal Heart Institute Foundation raises and administers funds to support research, care, teaching, prevention, rehabilitation, and the assessment of new technologies at the Montreal Heart Institute. It thereby promotes excellence at this internationally renowned institution at the service of citizens in Montreal, Canada, and abroad, and allows it to fulfill its mission to fight cardiovascular diseases, the world’s leading cause of death.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Fondation de l'Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal - Les coeurs solides
Raised: $2,404.17
Orange Theory Plateau Run Club
Raised: $761.70
Raised: $540.65
Raised: $54.71
Raised: $27.85
Raised: $0.00
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
François Caron-Melançon
Raised: $1,887.80
Marie-Eve Leclerc
Raised: $1,200.51
Brandon Kosik
Raised: $624.46
Mira Carreiro
Raised: $602.62
Abhishek Tiwari
Raised: $563.65
Kye Brodeur
Raised: $497.58
Thomas Joseph Hui
Raised: $438.26
Marie-Hélène Paquette
Raised: $430.06
Jason Gauthier
Raised: $318.00
Claude-Éric Loyer
Raised: $302.39
Marie-Claude Guertin
Raised: $269.66
william Nervelle
Raised: $243.38
Simon Morin
Raised: $184.13
Matilde Bertrand
Raised: $138.26
Maha Khalil
Raised: $108.45
Olivier Dufour
Raised: $105.03
Laurence Boudrias
Raised: $55.70
Harry Antoine
Raised: $54.71
Sébastien Hecht
Raised: $54.71
Lily Yuan HU
Raised: $54.71
Candice Archer
Raised: $27.85
Maxime Tassier
Raised: $27.85
Alexandra Bégin
Raised: $27.85
Audrey Marois
Raised: $27.85
Michaël Chassé
Raised: $27.85
Sarah Roy-Tanguay
Raised: $22.47
Alessandro Mecatti
Raised: $17.10
Yassmina Habib
Raised: $11.72
Charlie-Rose Chassé
Raised: $11.72
Victoria Chasse
Raised: $11.72
Edouard Chassé
Raised: $11.72
Jacob Baril-arnason
Raised: $6.36
Wyll-Ian Pichardo-Diaz
Raised: $6.36
Natalie Belso
Raised: $6.36
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Sep 25 | Robert Steadman | $54.71 |
Sep 25 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 25 | Seb F. | $108.45 |
Sep 25 | Lionel Villalonga | $54.71 |
Sep 24 | Yvonne Cerri | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 24 | Mattie and Victor | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 23 | Roanne and Ron Stein | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 23 | Best of luck! Diana 😊 | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 23 | Dolly | $27.85 |
Sep 23 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |