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CACTUS Montréal

Raise money for CACTUS Montréal

CACTUS Montréal is a community-based harm reduction organization that has been active for 30 years in the prevention of sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections (STBBIs) in downtown Montreal. 

CACTUS Montréal helps and supports marginalized and vulnerable people through various prevention, awareness and education services and activities. We work with people who use drugs, sex workers and trans people in order to promote their health, well-being and social inclusion. We remain active in our community to advocate for their rights and help them voice their needs and concerns. 

Harm reduction informs everything we do. Our approach is pragmatic and humanistic, and centres the participation of the populations we serve. We remain convinced that their inclusion necessarily entails education and discussion.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 24 Pete and Erin Congrats Claire on completing your first half marathon... the first of many??? Well done! P&E $269.66
Sep 23 AH Bonne chance u got this !! $22.47
Sep 23 AH Feel better soon!! ❤️ $22.47
Sep 23 HuLauAdEl Belle initiative et bonne course demain $50.00
Sep 23 Solange et Tuan Bon courage Meygan ainsi qu'à ton équipe pour ce demi-marathon, nous penserons à toi! $54.71
Sep 23 Louise & Rock Bonne chance Meygan dans cette course, nous t'encourageons très fort pour ce défi! $81.59
Sep 23 Anonymous Bonne course!! You've got this :) Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Katrina & Craig Go Julia go!! $269.66
Sep 23 Anonymous Have a great run $538.34
Sep 23 Feriel D Let’s goo Pacemakers !!’ $27.85