Raise money for Fédération Des Femmes Du Québec
The Fédération des femmes du Québec is an autonomous feminist organization that works for the transformation of social gender relations and the elimination of relations of domination in all spheres of life, with a view to promoting the development of full autonomy for all women and the true recognition of all of their contribution to society.
The FFQ aims for justice and equality between women and men, between women themselves and between peoples.
Within the women's movement, the FFQ assumes collective leadership to advance a feminist project for society anchored in the values of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, Equality, Freedom, Solidarity, Justice, and the peace.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Les Rebelles de la FFQ
Raised: $769.44
La Commune
Raised: $54.71
Running Turtles
Raised: $0.00
Raised: $0.00
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Veronica Crespo
Raised: $527.26
Mathilde CORNU
Raised: $186.48
Alice Michaud-Lapointe
Raised: $135.41
Juliette Paré
Raised: $54.71
Catherine Deveault
Raised: $6.36
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Sep 23 | Anonymous | $27.85 |
Sep 23 | Eliott | $27.85 |
Sep 22 | Cornu Isabelle | $54.71 |
Sep 22 | Skid | $27.85 |
Sep 22 | Romain | $54.71 |
Sep 21 | Kant | $27.85 |
Sep 08 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 08 | K Barrette | $54.71 |
Sep 05 | The Wojciechowicz Family | $25.00 |
Aug 31 | SamC | $25.00 |