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Alzheimer Society of Montreal

Raise money for Alzheimer Society of Montreal

The Alzheimer Society of Montreal is on the cutting edge of information, education, and psychosocial support services. For example, over these years the Alzheimer Society co-founded of Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies; advocated a person-centred approach to care; and created the very first support groups for people living with dementia in Canada! 

Our mission : To alleviate the social and personal consequences of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders through the development and delivery of leading-edge intervention, care and support services in Montreal.

Our story begins in 1981, when the Alzheimer Society of Montreal was founded by a small group of visionaries, mainly caregivers, who were confronted by a lack of information about Alzheimer’s disease, limited knowledge of the field, and little support for families affected by dementia. Today, the Alzheimer Society of Montreal remains the reference point in Montreal for people living with dementia, caregivers, health care professionals, organisations, and members of the public in search of resources and services.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 24 Anonymous Bonne chance Maélie et merci de courir pour cette cause. $27.85
Sep 24 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Nicole Frenette $27.85
Sep 23 Hélène Bélanger Go go go Maélie! $27.85
Sep 23 Nathalie Avon $27.85
Sep 23 Alex et Léane Bonne course! $22.47
Sep 23 Mireille Beauvais Bravo à toi, belle Maëli. $12.00
Sep 23 Geneviève $11.72
Sep 23 Ate Always supporting you shars! The people you are running for are so proud of you! Love you $54.71
Sep 23 Gina et Pascal On est fier de toi pour cette belle initiative et ce beau défi! xx xx $54.71