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Quebec Foundation for the Blind

Raise money for Quebec Foundation for the Blind

The Quebec Foundation for the Blind has as its mandate to support the blind and visually impaired with regards to housing, activities, and community life.

In addition to promoting independent and active living for those with visual disabilities, the Foundation’s work is reflected by the aid it provides its clients in organizing their daily routines, as well as the constant battle it wages against isolation.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 24 Jérémy Maltais Je suis fièr de toi et de la cause que tu as choisi parce que je sais qu'elle te tient à cœur ❤️ Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Chantale nadeau Bonne chance!!❤️ $27.85
Sep 23 Maxou Courage mon amie!!! Tu es une machine et tu m’inspires! Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Stéphane Maltais $54.71
Sep 23 La Fondation des Aveugles du Québec Bravo Catherine Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Mamie Nadeau Je suis fière de toi ! Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Laurie Lévesque Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Steph.Mobile Bonne course😎 Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Oncle Sysy Bonne course! Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Diane Caron Bravo pour tes initiatives... Continue!! Undisclosed amount