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Unis pour les petits

Raise money for Unis pour les petits

Unis pour les petits provides support and comfort parents and the help they need during the first year of the baby's arrival. We break the isolation of the news Montreal families thanks to our volunteers caring people who offer their time, their arms and listening to them in order to support them in this time when we all need sweetness. Because not everyone is lucky enough to have grandmothers (or grandfathers) to proximity, we encourage meetings and exchanges between generations. Our activities included families, volunteers and babies.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 26 Marie-Luce Biron pour Unis pour les Petits Mes derniers dons reçus en appuient à Unis pour les Petits au Marathon 5 km. $60.09
Sep 21 Unis pour les petits $82.66
Sep 18 Cynthia Cole Undisclosed amount
Sep 13 Dianne Longpre $27.85
Sep 12 Anonymous $17.10
Sep 12 Marie-C. Wøm 🩷 Bella J’ai vu ton post dans mon tel ce matin en allant travailler. J’ai eu le goût de boucler ta boucle 🩵 love youu Juju $39.67
Sep 12 Imany Undisclosed amount
Sep 05 Unis pour les petits Bravo pour le travail constant et tellement utile! $54.71
Aug 30 Josée Tremblay Bravo Lucie pour ton engagement😍😊 Undisclosed amount
Aug 29 Alain T Bravo $27.85