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Maison d'hébergement d'Anjou

Raise money for Maison d'hébergement d'Anjou

The reason we exist is to offer women and children who are victims of domestic violence a safe, and welcoming shelter, while helping them regain control of their lives. We offer free housing, domestic violence counselling and 24/7 telephone support services, 365 days a year. At MHA, we collectively share the following values: respect, integrity, autonomy, mutual aid and the right to a free and violence-free life. 

Our story: 

Our shelter was founded in 1983. Over the years, we have welcomed more than 7,000 women and children who are victims of domestic violence.  

Since our opening, our primary concern has been to ensure that every woman and child lives with respect, dignity and empathy, supported by a professional team dedicated to the cause of domestic violence.  


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 27 Christian Bravo pour ton implication Sylvain $27.85
Sep 23 Lise Theriault et Christian Dubé $108.45
Sep 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 France et Réal delagrave $54.71
Sep 23 Marie-Pier et Ély Merci François de soutenir la cause des femmes et des enfants victimes de violence conjugale. Nous sommes heureux et chanceux de t’avoir $54.71
Sep 23 François $54.71
Sep 23 Anonymous $140.69
Sep 22 Joe Pannunzio Good luck!! $54.71
Sep 22 Pierre-Marc Drouin $27.85
Sep 21 Anonymous Bon marathon Sylvain et surtout bravo pour ton support la MHA. Undisclosed amount