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Help Valerie raise money

For participating in Marathon Beneva de Montréal - 2023 Edition

My Story…

How I got into running:

I ran for the first time (in my life) at the tail end of winter 2023, after some dreadful months of winter blues. I barely made it to 3 km continuously. But, I had a work charity race coming up in the spring and had to make it to 10 km, so I kept going despite the inevitable learning curve that comes with learning a new skill. 

Step after step, week after week, and a case of jumper's knee (tendonitis) later - I gradually trained my body to learn how to run. Or rather, I trained my mind to learn how to NOT stop running. 

Where I'm at now:

6 months after my first neighbourhood run, I will be running a half-marathon on September 24, in Montreal. My first goal is to cross the finish line. My second goal, while allowing my body some grace, is to run the entire 21.1 km without walking intervals. I don't have any pace goals - your girl's just trying to make it through.

I'm grateful for the happy and hard moments running has provided me. Mental resilience, competing against myself, consistency, comfort in discomfort, fresh air, me time and... If you know me, you know that giving back to community is one of the things that fill my cup.

Running for a good cause:

For this reason, I'll be running the half-marathon in support of Fondation Pinel (Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel). L'INPLPP is a teaching hospital affiliated with l'Université de Montréal with a unique mandate in forensic mental health. Its mission is fueled by four pillars: care, teaching, research and violence prevention. It makes a difference in the lives of people with mental health challenges and behavioural disorders by supporting treatment and community reintegration and by supporting their families. In addition to its role in educating and raising awareness about mental health, justice and safety, the Foundation works to ensure public safety, advance research and train the next generation of practitioners, clinicians and researchers.

I'd be so grateful for your support!

If you want to support l'Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel's work and show me support in my training and race - please consider donating any amount.

Donate to help Valerie raise money for Marathon Beneva de Montréal - 2023 Edition’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 23 Louis-Mathieu Dufour $54.71
Sep 04 Marie-France Duguay Bon courage à une personne dont l’humanisme est hors du commun! $54.71
Aug 31 Anonymous 💎 Undisclosed amount
Aug 30 Bellepham You go girl! $27.85
Aug 29 William Ho-Luong Great initiative on your part, Valérie! Running more for more physical health and mental health. Let's goooo! $27.85
Aug 29 Alicia Tone You can do it!! I will be sending you run fairy vibes from afar :) $27.85
Aug 29 Dudu Bonne continuité $81.59
Aug 29 Rehnuma Kamal So proud of you!! You got this!!! $22.47
Aug 29 LBN Marketing Inc. Congrats on committing to the run, you got this! - Nico $33.22
Aug 29 Don Juan Wow I read your personal story and must say that I am rather touched! How far you have come in life, Valerie. Good luck on the run! $100.00