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Help Bertrand raise money

For participating in Marathon Beneva de Montréal - 2023 Edition

My Story…

Stop press / Dernières nouvelles

Run finished in 2h11.  It was a good morning, a demanding run and a satisfying result.  Thank you for your support.

Course finie en 2h11.  C'était une bonne matinée, un parcours exigeant et un résultat satisfaisant.  Merci de votre soutien. 


I have a history of running long distance races for fund raising, but for a number of reasons, this is the first time I am taking part in a race since autumn 2017.  Running 21 km will be exhilarating, but also daunting!

I decided to put the running shoes on again for this event in order to raise funds for the End of Spire project at the Cathedral. It is vital that we cover the shortfall for this project so that our ongoing ministries are not affected.  Please be as generous as you can.  Thank you.


J'ai déjà participé à des courses de longue distance pour collecter des fonds, mais c'est la première fois que je participe à une course depuis l'automne 2017.  Courir 21 km sera exaltant, mais aussi intimidant !

J'ai décidé de remettre les chaussures de course pour cet événement afin de collecter des fonds pour la fin du projet de restauration de la flèche à la cathédrale. Il est essentiel que nous couvrions le déficit de ce projet afin que nos ministères en cours ne soient pas affectés.  Soyez aussi généreux que possible.  Nous vous remercions.

Donate to help Bertrand raise money for Marathon Beneva de Montréal - 2023 Edition’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 21 sorry; I don't know French, or how to read your inquiry sorry; don't speak French glad to be contributing on behalf of Bertrand Olivier $27.85
Sep 18 Leonard Ciornii Bertrand, wishing you much endurance and great determination in this race! $54.71
Sep 15 Carole Therrien Cher Bertrand, je te souhaite une course exaltante ! Undisclosed amount
Sep 15 Rob Wells Bertrand, may you have an enjoyable run and thank you for challenging both yourself and the community of Christ Church Cathedral! Undisclosed amount
Sep 10 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 10 Anonymous Good luck Rev Bertrand ! Undisclosed amount
Sep 08 Rev. Bertrand Olivier Christ Church Cathedral Montreal Undisclosed amount
Sep 03 Christ Church Cathedral $215.92
Sep 01 Anonymous You go "onward", and our Spire goes "upward"! Undisclosed amount
Sep 01 Joseph and Daniel Thanks for running for the cause! Prayers for a successful run! Undisclosed amount