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Help Frida raise money

For participating in Marathon Beneva de Montréal - 2023 Edition

My Story…

My goal this year is to run a half marathon! I've started running again around 4 months after giving birth and it makes me feel physically and mentally amazing. But this time around running a race without a cause feels shallow and not sufficient. I want to run for my dad, who lost the race against cancer last year, but who was motivated to register for 5k races every weekend, finishing them like a rockstar! My aim is to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society to support cancer research, so that we can have better diagnoses, treatments and care for people in the near future. Any amount you can donate to this cause helps! Thank YOU!

Donate to help Frida raise money for Marathon Beneva de Montréal - 2023 Edition’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 18 Mariana , Gerardo y Luca Veeenga Frida! Que campeona! A disfrutar el domingo $22.47
Sep 16 Alex Good luck and enjoy :) Undisclosed amount
Aug 25 Majo Arguelles Eres lo máximo Fri ❤️✨ $11.72
Aug 24 Cristina Abbatangelo Wishing you all the best from Toronto! $54.71
Aug 24 Raquel Venga Frida! ♥️♥️♥️ $11.72
Aug 24 Emily Go Frida, go! Que bonita manera de honrar a tu papá 😊. $27.85
Aug 09 Silvia & Ana $86.96
Aug 06 Gabriela Durazo Go, Fri, go! Run to remember your Dad and to save lives! $108.45
Aug 02 Todd MacKay Great cause and glad to see you back at it Frida! $50.00
Jul 27 Elisabeth Go, go ,Frida ! $54.71