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Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney

Raise money for Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney (H2HS) is one of the largest Lifeline Centres in Australia. We provide a suite of crisis support and suicide prevention services, including Lifeline’s national 13 11 14 crisis line, counselling services and community support programs.
Lifeline H2HS has been saving lives for more than 50 years and continues to provide crucial support to people that brings hope in their darkest moments. Every dollar raised helps us to recruit, train, and support more Crisis Supporters to respond to people in crisis and provide vital suicide prevention services to Sydney's northside.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 18 Iain S This will help you reach your goal $105.50
Sep 18 Iain S This will help you reach your goal $105.50
Sep 18 Chris Kelly Well done mate! c $52.75
Sep 18 Nick J Was waiting til you confirmed you made it… haha well done $52.75
Sep 18 Rob Kinsella Great cause, well done Garcia! $42.20
Sep 18 Anonymous Well done Csilla... what a monumental effort you put in for this one. $52.75
Sep 17 Andy Mac Did well in the 30C + heat $52.75
Sep 17 Colin Moodie Well done Dave $52.75
Sep 17 Kylie Ed, keep up the amazing work you and the team are doing to support lifeline. $52.75
Sep 17 Great work Ian, best of luck! $26.38