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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

Dogs for Better Lives is a national nonprofit with campuses in Central Point, Oregon and Falmouth, Massachusetts

DBL rescues or breeds, trains, and places Assistance Dogs free of charge with deaf or hard-of-hearing adults, children diagnosed with autism, and licensed professionals working with vulnerable communities so people with disabilities can lead safer and more independent lives.

We believe that everyone who can benefit from a Service Dog should have one, by offering dogs at zero cost to eliminate financial burden on our clients. 

To remove barriers for those can’t travel to our campuses, we place our dogs in the client’s home – offering a more personalized placement and training experience. 

Since 1977, we have placed more than 1,700 dogs with people across the United States. Each dog has made a profound impact on the life of the person they were placed with.

Dogs for Better Lives is one of the few national Assistance Dog organizations that trains shelter dogs to become Service Dogs – in addition to utilizing purpose-bred dogs. We support every dog who comes into our care with a lifetime commitment to them and their client. Every decision is rooted in their wellbeing as we make sure our dogs are fulfilled and doing work they’re suited to do.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 10 Jeanne Varney $55.35
Aug 10 Mum and Dad So proud of you $66.25
Aug 10 Allie $28.10
Aug 09 Kevin Gould You have worked so hard training for this. Good luck! You’ll do great! ❤️🏃🏼‍♀️ $109.85
Aug 09 Anonymous Good luck! $28.10
Aug 09 Lisa $55.35
Aug 08 Ashley & Chris Noyes Thinking of you! Go get ‘em! $28.10
Aug 08 Clare Sullivan Woohoo!!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 08 Glenn Pokraka $28.10
Aug 08 Brian and Michele O'Connell $109.85