Raise money for CECI
Le CECI est un organisme de coopération internationale qui combat la pauvreté, l'exclusion et les inégalités par des projets de développement durable en Afrique, en Asie et dans les Amériques, depuis 1958.
Nous nous rassemblons depuis une dizaine d'années lors de la course du 21K de Montréal pour soutenir plusieurs projets. Nos équipes sont formées de nos ambassadrices-trices, nos membres, nos volontaires, nos employées-es et toute personne sympathisante au CECI. Nous prenons en charge les frais d'inscription et nous vous accompagnons dans votre collection de fonds.
Cette année, nous participons au 21K de Montréal en collaboration avec notre partenaire Djamboola Fitness qui offre deux séances d'entraînement gratuites à nos participants-es.
Rejoignez notre équipe et soutenez un projet qui vous tient à cœur !
Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur ce lien : https://bit.ly/ArticleDefiSportif2023
Les inscriptions sont encore ouvertes !
CECI is an international cooperation organization that has been fighting poverty, exclusion and inequality through sustainable development projects in Africa, Asia and the Americas since 1958.
For the past ten years, we have been meeting at the Montreal 21K to support several projects. Our teams are made up of our ambassadors, members, volunteers, employees and anyone who is sympathetic to CECI. We take care of the registration fees and help you in your fundraising efforts.
This year, we are participating in the Montreal 21K in collaboration with our partner Djamboola Fitness who is offering two free workouts to our participants.
Join our team and support a project that is important to you!
For more information, click on this link: https://bit.ly/ArticleDefiSportif2023
Registration is still open!
Click on a team below to make a donation.
CECI - Fonds Armande Bégin et Yves Pétillon pour les femmes au Mali
Raised: $52,266.81
CECI - Équipe Éducation des filles au Mali (projet FIÈRES)
Raised: $10,377.57
CECI - Équipe Solidarité internationale (PCV)
Raised: $8,752.23
CECI - Équipe Femmes et agriculture résiliente au Sénégal (projet FAR)
Raised: $6,878.97
CECI - Équipe Santé et droits des femmes au Mali (projet YELLEN)
Raised: $4,923.60
CECI - Équipe corporative Budge Studios
Raised: $4,514.56
Raised: $0.00
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Loïc Pétillon
Raised: $9,577.97
Louis Verret
Raised: $4,603.87
Isabelle Roy
Raised: $3,565.44
Sarah Stecko
Raised: $2,739.87
Raised: $2,517.96
Gaël Pétillon
Raised: $1,986.56
Cecilia Thompson
Raised: $1,939.78
Mario Renaud
Raised: $1,886.63
Tania Orméjuste
Raised: $1,670.62
Brian Mustard
Raised: $1,655.94
Jean Corbeil
Raised: $1,647.74
Marie-Claire Dumas
Raised: $1,544.36
Marie Angele Grimaud
Raised: $1,489.81
Ana Isabel Otero
Raised: $1,474.99
Béatrice Pétillon-Stecko
Raised: $1,436.70
Bonaventure Wakana
Raised: $1,390.46
Marie Blanchard
Raised: $1,366.80
Ginette Michaud
Raised: $1,266.48
Alvaro Diego Herrera
Raised: $1,251.06
Ivan Stecko
Raised: $1,221.30
Darquis Gagné
Raised: $1,219.83
Ann Isabelle Grégoire
Raised: $1,078.14
Justine Coutu
Raised: $1,040.47
Fatoumata Toure
Raised: $1,033.68
Philippe Dongier
Raised: $1,000.00
David-Martin Milot
Raised: $957.67
Marie-Claude Lapierre
Raised: $915.92
Micheline Chartrand
Raised: $889.18
Carmen Houle
Raised: $874.47
Clara Pétillon-Stecko
Raised: $862.07
Chloe Gaudet
Raised: $835.45
Yves Alavo
Raised: $816.65
Évelyne Jean-Bouchard
Raised: $779.51
Anne-Blandine Dubois
Raised: $738.15
Suzanne Ouellet
Raised: $735.86
Fatoumata L Baldé
Raised: $693.22
Oliva Chabi
Raised: $684.49
Maryse Tellier
Raised: $664.13
Cyrielle Dionis
Raised: $616.08
Samantha Haskins
Raised: $593.06
Laurence Dang
Raised: $572.89
Claire Booth
Raised: $562.94
Kim Nguyen
Raised: $542.25
Philippe Brodeur
Raised: $540.29
Eléa Rietmann Benabed
Raised: $516.36
Paule Mauffette
Raised: $507.56
Lolitta Dandoy
Raised: $504.34
Lydia Biron
Raised: $492.43
Sohane Rietmann Benabed
Raised: $490.47
Frederique gueguen
Raised: $479.11
Marielle Collet
Raised: $460.07
Marie Legault
Raised: $445.07
Julie Théroux-Séguin
Raised: $443.10
Flore Chartier-Vilain
Raised: $435.74
Maeva Vilain
Raised: $435.11
Sandra Bencheton
Raised: $378.45
Matelle Sow
Raised: $378.11
Mila Chartier-Vilain
Raised: $372.58
Valérie Piché
Raised: $365.63
Sami Demnati
Raised: $349.37
Lina Demnati
Raised: $344.08
Renaud Chartier
Raised: $325.35
Jessica Guay
Raised: $324.88
Nathalie Pelletier
Raised: $308.75
Adélie Audet
Raised: $303.09
Léonie Assamoi
Raised: $287.04
Mollie Dujardin
Raised: $285.29
Guerline Michel
Raised: $279.91
Chantal Lewis
Raised: $270.63
Sibiri Sawadogo
Raised: $269.66
Amélie St-Amant-Ringuette
Raised: $258.91
Yvonne Rivest
Raised: $248.67
Éliane Gaudreau
Raised: $242.30
Soham Ashtekar
Raised: $241.01
Madeleine Rivest
Raised: $238.91
Danise Gaspard
Raised: $221.13
Chantal Lussier
Raised: $216.90
Diane Julie Gagné
Raised: $215.92
Pierre Therrien
Raised: $215.92
Catherine Lepage
Raised: $215.44
Jhon Désir
Raised: $211.05
Mélanie Rechnitzer
Raised: $210.07
Ghislain Rivard
Raised: $202.75
Catherine Douville
Raised: $200.00
Laurence Emerit
Raised: $191.34
Michele Rietmann
Raised: $190.69
Sindy Marchand
Raised: $175.41
Afi Zotchi
Raised: $164.15
Karthik Karunakaran
Raised: $163.16
Patrick Dupuis
Raised: $162.19
Manuel Nicolaon
Raised: $155.70
Ariel Vacherand
Raised: $154.71
Mylène Simard
Raised: $153.57
Alejandra Lozano
Raised: $147.50
Christela Thompson
Raised: $138.92
Sandrine Inakabondo
Raised: $134.42
Eric Schweichler
Raised: $132.56
Jason Renaud
Raised: $131.89
François Messier
Raised: $122.47
Christophe Begel
Raised: $119.20
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Apr 27 | Michèle | $27.85 |
Apr 26 | Véronique Desrosiers | $108.45 |
Apr 26 | Stéphanie | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 25 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 25 | Olivia | $54.71 |
Apr 25 | Claudia Valencia | $27.85 |
Apr 25 | Gab | Undisclosed amount |
Apr 25 | Martine Jolivet | $54.71 |
Apr 25 | Anonymous | $50.00 |
Apr 25 | RéJean Séguin | Undisclosed amount |