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Aidez Alicia à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement 21K de Montreal 2023


Mon histoire…

For the past couple of months, I've been training for my first half-marathon. I haven't told many people about it because I wasn't sure if I could be the kind of person who can run 13.1 miles in one go, let alone do all the training miles leading up to the race. Yet with each week, I've discovered new joys of running... most importantly (and ironically) that steady practice really does work, not only for violin!

This was going to be a pure personal achievement for me, but earlier this month, I found out that one of my cherished friends has terminal cancer. It's been tough for me but I can't imagine what her family is going through. This is certainly a pain that is unfairly familiar to probably everyone who reads this post.

So, I'm running the 21K de Montréal 2023 this coming Saturday and am raising money for the Société de recherche sur le cancer/Cancer Research Society. My goal is $2,018 (it's the year when I met her). If you can help, either in any amount of donations, sharing this post, or words of support, I would love it!

Faites un don pour soutenir Alicia et l’aider à recueillir des fonds lors de l’événement 21K de Montreal 2023.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
May 03 Bravo Alicia! 54,71 $
Apr 23 Jeanne Amièle 27,85 $
Apr 23 Yuri and Dave Go Alicia!! And fuck cancer. 27,85 $
Apr 22 Alison Go Alicia Go!! 54,71 $
Apr 21 Anonyme So proud of you!! Xxx Montant non divulgué
Apr 20 David Quinn You go girl! 54,71 $
Apr 20 Beatrice and Larry Herman Merde as they say, on Sunday!! 100,00 $
Apr 19 Erik <3 54,71 $
Apr 19 Rose Run fast my violinist, and fuck cancer 27,85 $
Apr 18 Marc Beliveau 54,71 $