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Help Janius raise money

For participating in 21K de Montreal 2023

My Story…

Je suis heureuse d'honorer tous les patients courageux (avec leurs familles) qui entreprennent leurs propres épreuves quand ils subissent une chirurgie.  Vous êtes les véritables champions et nous sommes à votre service!

Thank you for supporting POP!

I am excited to running for POP in honour of all the courageous patients (their families) who have to prepare for their strenuous journeys when they go for surgery. You are the champions and we are here to help!

Merci de vos dons! 

Donate to help Janius raise money for 21K de Montreal 2023’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 17 Anonymous Janius, proud of you,to run for your patients, you really care. Best of luck $215.92
Apr 17 Amal Bessissow Good luck Janius!!! Thanks for everything you do for POP! Undisclosed amount
Apr 17 Danielle Way to go Janius! $100.00
Apr 17 Penny Toliopoulos Good luck on the 10k! Thank you for your help and continued collaboration with preop and the POP clinic. Undisclosed amount