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Help Rachel raise money

For participating in Kitchener Kids with Cancer 2023

My Story…

Saturday September 16 is the 10th anniversary run for the Kitchener Kids with Cancer run/walk. I will be running to raise much needed funds for these amazing warriors. Please consider sponsoring me and help make the 10th anniversary the most successful year so far.

I do this in honour of my beautiful boy Noah, who earned his wings at the age of 11. 



On September 16th, 2023 I’m lacing up and participating in the Kitchener Kids with Cancer Run / Walk to raise awareness and critical funds for a very important organization – The Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario. (POGO) 

There are over 4,000 families in Ontario with a child in cancer treatment or follow-up care each year. More than 84% of children diagnosed with cancer in Ontario will survive, but many of these survivors will experience complications either due to the disease itself, complex surgical procedures, or the rigorous rounds of radiation and chemotherapy they were given during treatment.
Funds raised will provide:

  • financial assistance to families so they can pay for out-of-pocket costs associated with their child’s treatment
  • support survivors with customized school and work counselling when their disease or its treatment has left them with learning challenges
  • fund promising research that examines the impact of childhood cancer and its treatment.

Meet the Wynette’s and hear first hand how POGO supported them through their childhood cancer journey with their POGO clinic. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 16 Le-Anne D Undisclosed amount
Sep 16 Damian Pieri Undisclosed amount
Aug 30 Ken& Doris Undisclosed amount
Aug 20 Isabel & Roger Pieri Undisclosed amount
Aug 16 The Storms Family In memory of a beautiful soul who left us too soon Noah Wahl. $54.63
Aug 10 Rhonda Hall In memory of Noah Wahl 🤗⭐️ $269.32
Aug 03 Maria Fitzgerald $27.80
Aug 03 Melissa Fitzgerald (auntie Mel) In loving memory of our sweet nephew, Noah $108.31
Aug 03 Anonymous I have a family member who is suffering from Cancer and will likely gain their wings soon. thank you for your efforts. Undisclosed amount
Aug 02 Rachel Wahl Undisclosed amount