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Help Ailed raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Hope

My Story…

Thank you so much for supporting our annual Aloha Run! Proceeds from this year's run is for our scholarship programs (Pathways, Excellence, Thomatra Scott and Believe) and JCYC will be donating a portion to the Hawaii Peoples Fund: Maui Aloha the Peoples Response. The funds will provide immediate on the ground support to organizations providing relief efforts.

Every donation received through your donations will make a difference for OUR youth who are trying to manage the increasing costs of a college education. Thank you so much for your donation this year and your continued unwavering support of JCYC!

Donate to help Ailed raise money for SF Aloha Run for Hope’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 30 Mik Cariaso Thank you for doing this. 🤙🏽 🫶🏽 Undisclosed amount
Aug 30 Collective Impact This is Great $54.10
Aug 26 Joan M Run Ailed Run $107.35
Aug 24 Nam $22.15
Aug 23 Stephanie Sampang Go Ailed Go! $54.10
Aug 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount