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Help Maria raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Hope

My Story…

Hi All,

As some of you know, I’ve been partnering with Japanese Youth Community Center (JCYC) for the last 8 years to create opportunities for local college students aspiring to be design professionals in the Bay Area. The majority of the students we serve come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and BIPOC communities. I have had the opportunity to mentor some of these amazing students, and have seen them grow into confident professionals who reach back to lift the next generation up. Meanwhile JCYC has been integral to our overall success, offering employment, mentorship, and financial support to  students, well beyond any program requirements. They are truly an amazing organization! This weekend I will be running a 5k to support all the amazing youth programs JCYC offers, including youth scholarships. Please support me and JCYC this weekend by contributing to my fundraising page! All money goes to directly to JCYC.

Thank you! 


Donate to help Maria raise money for SF Aloha Run for Hope’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 22 Helen Wyman $22.15
Sep 22 Mel M Yay, good job Maria! $20.00
Sep 22 Kate Massie Go Maria! $20.00
Sep 22 Gus Ejercito Wonderful work Maria! Undisclosed amount
Sep 22 Mark Tandoc Good luck Maria!!! $22.15
Sep 22 Maria Pecot $20.00