The Quick Start Need To Know is:
HOW? Register, ride it (all in a day or over as many days as you want) and then email us proof of your ride to for official recognition. There are POINTS to be earned and DRAW PRIZES won. Although some cyclists choose to complete the ride in a day, the routes are intended to be multi-day adventures for most cyclists — not a race. So, if you are after a time — do so at your own risk and for your own personal best record.
WHEN? To be counted, bike any day(s) within the event timeframe. (Apr 29 - Sept 4). Can't do it within the suggested timeframe? No worries. The EC Way 100 and and other qualifying loops are open-sourced bike routes that can be found in the public domain and tackled at anytime of the year.
THE 2/3s RULE: To be counted as a completion, you need to show that you rode the entire mileage claimed (ie. 100 miles to claim an Imperial Centurion) - of which a minimum of 2/3s (108k / 67 mi.) of the distance must be on one of the official loops. They can be layered on top of each other - which adds a lot of flexibility to planning out a route. Link to Official Routes .
No double counting the same parts of the loop twice when determining 2/3s of the distance.
THE REMAINING 1/3 RULE: The remaining 1/3 (53k / 33 mi.) of the 100-miles is left to a participant's discretion: provided however, they are within the Windsor / Essex County Region, Chatham-Kent and the Metro Detroit*. Still, we hope participants will seek out other comfortable cycling facility / trail choices - as enjoyment & comfort is the "EC Way".
* New this year. We're going international. Biking in Metro Detroit counts too! In anticipation of the day when the new Gordie Howe Bridge is open to cyclists, in 2023, mileage biked in Metro Detroit will count as qualifying miles for the remaining 1/3.
The following resources are helpful to figuring out how:
SafeCycle is a free route-planning tool that can design routes that will avoid low comfort traffic-stressed roads. (SafeCycle is concentrating on the region of Essex County, Windsor-Detroit and is looking for input and feedback from area cyclists.)
CWAT's Facility Map, Detroit's Bike Map and Windsor's Parks & Trail Map are good sources of information for finding cycling facilities that provide cyclists with safer space away or out of the main traffic lane (such as trails, bike lanes and paved shoulders). CAUTION: If using these maps, be aware that in some places "bike route" signs have been put along roads where cyclists are expected to share the main travel lane with motorized traffic. Some of those roads have sections that can be stressful due to the volume & speed of motorized traffic.
DO THE EVENT AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT! In 2021, Charles Morgan of Kingsville set the current all-time record by riding 43 laps (4300 miles / 6900 kms)
CAUTION: This is solely a personal challenge. This is not a formally organized, supported or sanctioned event in any way. It is simply a plotted route with a suggested timeframe - for those who wish to be recognized for completing the challenge. The route is also open to the public to ride at any other time of year. Roadway conditions are ever changing. Participants are self-supported and bear full responsibility for their own safety. Ride at your own risk. Detouring certain sections may be required without knowing in advance.