Start at Town of Cornwall
Proceed straight down Mercedes Drive
Complete loop of roundabout
Proceed straight up Mercedes Drive
Return to Finish at Town of Cornwall
Start at Town of Cornwall
Head down Mercedes Drive
Turn left onto trail system towards Harold Court
Proceed on Trail System
Continue on Trail to Elliott Park Subdivision:
Proceed straight on Arbour Lane
Turn right down Ferry Road
Turn left to access Hyde Pond Trail system
Proceed around Hyde Pond Trail System
Turn right onto Ferry Road
Turn left onto MacArthur Drive
Proceed straight on MacArthur Drive
Turn right onto Community Gardens Trail
Proceed Straight through trail system towards John Street
Remain on trail system towards Mercedes Drive
Turn left onto Mercedes Drive
Finish at Town of Cornwall
Start at Town of Cornwall
Head down Mercedes Drive
Turn left onto trail system towards Harold Court
Proceed Straight on trail System up towards Arbour Trail
Proceed on Trail System to Elliott Park Subdivision:
Continue on Arbour Lane
Turn right onto Woodlands Blvd
Proceed around loop returning to Arbour Lane
Proceed straight into Primrose Point subdivision
Continue on Osprey Ave
Turn left onto Primrose Drive
Turn right onto Waterview Drive
Proceed through roundabout
Return up Waterview Drive
Turn left onto Primrose Drive
Turn right onto Osprey Ave
Turn Left down Ferry Road
Turn left to access Hyde Pond Trail system
Proceed around Hyde Pond Trail System
Turn right onto Ferry Road
Turn left onto MacArthur Drive
Proceed straight on MacArthur Drive
Turn right onto Community Gardens Trail
Proceed Straight through trail system towards John Street
Remain on trail system towards Mercedes Drive
Turn left onto Mercedes Drive
Finish at Town of Cornwall
- Whispering Hope Farm
- Robin's
- Top Hat Party
- Now and Then Event Services
- Eastern Alarms
- Kays Wholesale
- Sterns
- Diary Farmers of Prince Edward Island
- Hank's Roofing