Registration FAQ's
I am not sure if I have already entered. How do I check?
Search for the email confirmation you received when you entered. The subject is “Shaw and Partners WA Race Week - Event Confirmation’ OR
From the event registration home page click the ‘Confirm Registration’ in the menu bar. You can search for your name.
How do I check what events I registered for or what items I purchased?
Search for the email confirmation you received when you entered. The subject is “Shaw and Partners WA Race Week - Event Confirmation’. Click on the receipt at the bottom of email - this will list what you have purchased OR
Log into your Race Roster account and you will see your registration details. Under products there is a list of events and items you have purchased. You can also view your receipt under the transaction section.
How do I access or edit my registration?
Log into your Race Roster account using your email and password you set up when you entered the events OR search for the email confirmation you received when you entered and select the 'visit dashboard' button. This will take you to your Race Roster account.
You can view your registration from the home page once logged in.
You can edit some sections of your registration by selecting EDIT REGISTRATION. If you wish to add in additional events or products please read the instructions below.
I missed booking a spot on the barge. What do I do?
- You can join the barge waitlist which will be available once the barge is sold out. When a spot becomes available we will contact you. You can also try the ferry companies or arrange your own transport.
I have already registered but have decided to enter an additional event/s or purchase products such as flares, merchandise etc. How do I do this?
Please do not start a new registration. You must do this using your original registration so all your details are together.
Following these instructions. There are two options:
Access you registration - Find your event confirmation email - ( you can search for 'Shaw and Partners WA Race Week 2023 — Event Confirmation' in the subject heading of your emails)
Select the Visit dashboard button - this will take you to your Race Roster account
Select the EVENT STORE button
Select the event or product you wish to add to your registration
Proceed to checkout and make payment
Please note that some products may have sold out or are no longer available
Visit the Race Roster event registration home page where you would enter the events
Select the STORE button
Find the event or products you wish to add to your registration
Select view details
Select confirm registration
If you are logged into your Race Roster account you can select your registration form the drop down list. Alternatively enter your confirmation number (which can be found on your event confirmation email you received when you initially registered) and surname in the field to confirm your registration. This will then take you to your registration
Select the event or products you wish to add to your registration
Proceed to checkout and make payment
I forgot to pay for the 'PA single event non-member insurance fee' when I entered the Fenn West Coast Downwinder event. How do I fix this? This fee is applicable to non Paddle Australia members that enter the Fenn West Coast Downwinder event only.
Follow the instructions above on how to add events/products to your registration
When you are in the STORE section select the ‘PA single event non-member insurance fee’ applicable to your age
Proceed to checkout and make payment