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Iraqi Children Foundation

Raise money for Iraqi Children Foundation

The Iraqi Children Foundation intervenes with love and hope in the lives of children who are vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and exploitation by criminals, traffickers, and extremists.

ICF is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity.  Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  ICF provided no goods or services in exchange for this donation.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 29 Joe $27.48
Sep 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 28 Ali Allawi $54.10
Sep 28 Ali Allawi $54.10
Sep 28 Hadia Mubarak Thank you for doing this! $54.10
Sep 28 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 28 Adrian Bird Shukriyah is an inspirational student and leader at Queens University in Charlotte, and I want to support her passion for this work. $54.10
Sep 28 Anonymous $27.48
Sep 28 Janet Mitchell Cindy, I hope to join you at the 5K this year! Wishing you good weather and a successful event. Janet $107.35
Sep 28 Anonymous Sorry we will not be able to participate due to a family event that weekend, but Natalie and I wish you great success! $107.35